互道再見 比利時雙胞胎安樂死
2013.01.15 10:35 am
這案例經醫師評估批准後執行。布魯塞爾醫院(UZBrussel hospital)發言人今天表示,去年12月14日,這對雙胞胎在共享咖啡、互道再見後,醫師替他們注射毒液。
醫師杜福爾(David Dufour)說:「他們非常高興,可以讓一切苦難告一段落。他們在大廳共享1杯咖啡,聊了很多,然後向家屬道別,彼此道別。場面非常安詳、美麗。他們的手最後揮了一揮,然後告別人世。」
【2013/01/15 中央社】
Report: Twin deaf brothers going blind undergo euthanasia
A court reportedly granted deaf identical twin brothers from Belgium who were about to lose their sight the right to legal euthanasia.
A UZ Brussel hospital spokesperson told Reuters that a doctor administered the lethal injections to 45-year-old twins named Marc and Eddy Verbessem. They had said they wanted to die because they "could no longer bear being unable to hear or see the other."
In order to be allowed to pursue euthanasia, patients in Belgium -- where euthanasia has been legal since 2002 -- must be sound of judgment and must repeatedly and overwhelmingly emphasize their voluntarily want to die, Reuters reported. They must also be suffering persistent and unbearable physical or mental pain beyond physical help, and the illness must be serious and incurable and brought on by sickness or injury.
Despite euthanasia being legal in the country, this case caught the attention of the media because the two brothers were not terminally ill or close to the end of their lives.
"Unbearable suffering can be mental as well as physical," the hospital spokesman said. "The brothers were inseparable. They lived together and had the same job."
The brothers were first turned down by their local hospital and the process took two years before they gained legal approval for euthanasia.
Dr. David Dufour, the doctor for the twins, told the Telegraph that that they had congenital deafness and were soon to be fully blind due to a genetic form of glaucoma. In addition, they had other "severe" medical problems.
"All that together made life unbearable," said Dufor. "I have been very surprised but there is so much interest and debate about this."
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Man with locked-in syndrome, Tony Nicklinson, dies at home week after losing euthanasia court case
The Telegraph reported that the brothers communicated with each other and their immediate family using a special sign language they developed.
"They lived together, did their own cooking and cleaning. You could eat off the floor," Dirk Verbessem, the twins' brother, said to the Telegraph. "Blindness would have made them completely dependent. They did not want to be in an institution."
Dirk added that although the family was opposed to the request to die, they eventually came around and supported the fact that the twins should be allowed to make their own decision.
"I tried to talk them out of it even at the last moment," Dirk said. "Together with my parents, I said goodbye. Marc and Eddy waved again at us. 'Up in the sky,' they said. 'Up in the sky,' we replied. And then it was over."
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員山福園推動「生前告別式」 笑說再見
2013.01.11 10:00 am
宜蘭縣議員賴瑞鼎在縣議會曾提出「生前告別式」觀念,他說,前年九十歲阿嬤鄒月在餐廳席開八桌,趁身體還健康時和兒孫吃飯,緊握每個人的手,如同話別,他看到聯合報這則報導很感動。去年底阿嬤往生,他去致 悼,家屬都說對那場聚會中開朗的阿嬤永生難忘。
【2013/01/11 聯合報】